• 2018 Safari Dinosaur Brachiosaurus Toy Model

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Item #: saf-300229
Our Price: $16.50


Brachiosaurus was one of the tallest long-necked dinosaurs. This ground shaking herbivore occupied North America during the Late Jurassic, about 153 million years ago.

  • Scientific Name: Brachiosaurus altithorax
  • Characteristics: Brachiosaurus was a long-necked plant eater with a tiny skull relative to the size of its giant body. It had simple peg-like teeth for stripping leaves, a long neck, and a medium-sized tail.Brachiosaurus walked on all fours but its front legs were longer than its hind legs, so it had a backwards-sloping back. Its front feet had a single claw on the thumb, while its strong hind feet had five toes. It probably exceeded 80 feet long.
  • Size and Color: This large model is 9 inches long and 8 inches high. Its skin is a fetching grassy green that is slightly darker on top and lighter below.
  • The Brachiosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection

  • Size in cm: 34.5 L x 19.5 H
  • Size in inches: 13.58 L x 7.68 H
  • UPC: 095866300203

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